Monday, January 17, 2011

Today's Inspiring Thought

Believe me, I AM -- GOD IS, and I AM a happy camper!

The first day of the rest of my life! This day couldn’t get here fast enough. Indeed a new day, a New Year, a new beginning, a new life for me, and I’m feelin’ good, yeah. “Birds flying in the sky, you know how I feel…”

I have so much to do, give and receive today. I am full of God’s love, imbued with loving feelings and thoughts. Just trying to give no thought to tomorrow’s problems. Just trying to live in this moment! And what a momentous day it is. “A new day, a new dawn, a new life, feeling good…” There is a feeling across the universe, I feel, that the yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here yet, and that only leaves now, today. And the moment is now, the time is now, we only have now, now! Wow, how simple and yet how profound.

This ‘now moment’ will never ever happen again for me, for you, for the world, ever again. Today is a new beginning, as every day is a new beginning. Sure, I have my plans for what I’d like to accomplish, projects and errands that need attending to, but I’ve never been so present as I have been, now, because of the energies and the new awakening on planet earth, the new awakening within me, Soul, an eternal being, that has no beginning and no end… But now, my today is different. I don’t just believe. I know that that there is nothing that I, (Soul) can not do, or become, be a good steward over, and it’s not all about our new president-elect so much as it is that he is an example that “you can if you think you can.” To me, he’s a co-worker with Divine Spirit and the Universe, the Sovereign.

We have a great task before us (not that we didn’t always have that task waiting to be awakened); but now, because the human state exists in visuals, we have seen with our eyes (and in some, our hearts), just how magnificent we all are, made in the image of, I AM -- GOD IS, and that we (Soul) possess all of Its traits, unconditional love….and now all we need now, in this moment, in this today, all we really need now is the courage to be. Today, the mood seems to be flowing from within some of us that positive change is something that I can do. It’s a big challenge and it will take time and stick-to-it-ness and determination to do it.

And how can we begin to become all that we can be? What is a solution, one may ask? The solution is just to do it. Make time, take time, and embark upon living your reality; not anyone else’s, but your reality, which, you may come to realize is in synch with your own unique truth, which in many ways, mirrors his and countless others. Cultivate within you a positive outlook that the outcome will be the best that, that you’ve done the very best that you can do. But most importantly, do it with love and for love. Love is the catalyst that keeps on giving. And don’t ask why… why am I not just doing it, or getting it? Why am I wavering in taking the next step? Do not go backwards. Go forward. Don’t go backward in thought, deed or action. Words really can’t express how grateful I am to be awake and present today, in the year 2011, a time of change, and living a modicum of positive change, compared to yesteryear and being a witness of all the blessings that have been stored for me for so long, one of which is unfolding today.

If you have the courage to be great, which you already are, use this declaration daily, aloud or silently: “If I want it to be – it’s up to me”. I won’t say that I repeat it 100 x a day, but I do declare it many times throughout the day, and believe me, that truth has made, and is making a difference in my world, for the good of the whole.



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